The Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School is to support a new generation of excellent research professionals during their PhD trajectory and strives to be a well-known and appreciated partner for PhD candidates and their supervisors

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General & PhD Courses

031 20 566 3108

PhD Support and Advice

031 20 566 3108

Meet our team!

Khadija Asafiati - Doctorate Affairs Amsterdam/VU

My name is Khadija Asafiati. Together with the Beadle's Office and the research institutes of Amsterdam UMC, I ensure that the administrative process of a PhD trajectory runs to a successful conclusion. The nicest thing about my job is to have contact with different people every day.

I prefer to spend my spare time with my family, friends and relatives. I also love interior design and shopping!

Bettina Batista - Secretary

My name is Bettina Batista and I have been working at the AMC Doctoral School since 2012. In the years since then, our department has grown into a great institute for all PhD students on both sides of the Amstel: the Amsterdam UMC Doctoral School. I enjoy my work a lot.

Besides I am a visual artist and I study Cultural Sciences at the Open University in Amsterdam. I love the beautiful city of Amsterdam, but nature as well. I spend time walking, watching movies and series, and I often go out for dinner with my children and/or friends.

Jordi Cabanas Danes - PhD advisor

My name is Jordi Cabanas-Danés and I work as a PhD advisor and coach at the Doctoral School, where we advise and coach PhD candidates to achieve their goals and to overcome any barrier during their PhD tracks. What I enjoy most about my job is being able to empower researchers to find their own solutions and actions and observing how they apply those with success.

I love cinema, reading and creative writing. In my spare time, when I am not investing time on my other hobbies, I am often running, hiking or going to museums.

Sterre Dekker - Doctorate Affairs Amsterdam/VU

I am Sterre Dekker and I started as an employee at the Doctoral School since April 1st. I aim to assist in the efficient operation of processes and provide good support for a successful PhD trajectory. Although I have a background as skin therapist, my passion lies more within healthcare management and policy. That's why I will start the Master's program Management, Policy Analysis & Entrepreneurship in Health and Life Sciences at the VU in September.

In my spare time I enjoy listening to podcasts, cooking and spending time with friends and family.

Ellen Dijkstra - Staff Advisor

As staff advisor at the Doctoral School, I am working on several projects, helping to better organize, digitize and optimize the work processes. In this way I contribute to convenience for the many users of those processes.

I like to spend my spare time cycling or walking, preferably in combination with cultural, culinary and social activities with my family members and / or good friends.

Suleshna Dwarkasing - Doctorate Affairs Amsterdam UMC/UvA

My name is Suleshna Dwarkasing. At the Doctoral School I assist the administrative process of the PhD trajectories. What I enjoy the most about my job is that I learn every day something new. I have 5 years of experience in finance administration, so by being part of the Doctoral School I get to experience a new subject and expect to develop a new set of skills.

I love reading, especially spiritual and psychological books, going on adventures, exploring a new country and listening to music. In my spare time I spend a lot of time with my family.

Saskia Hartog - Manager

My name is Saskia Hartog, manager of the Doctoral School since November 2023.
I have a background in psychology and healthcare management. My interest in
healthcare, management and leadership led me to start an MBA in Healthcare
Management at the UvA last February.

In my spare time I like to exercise and can often be found in the kitchen trying out all kinds of new recipes and baking. Sport and baking sounds like a crazy combination, but there is nothing nicer than plopping down on the couch after a long run in the rain and enjoying a homemade cinnamon bun.

Mandy X. Hu - PhD advisor

My name is Mandy Hu and as a PhD advisor and coach at the Doctoral School I'm doing what I really enjoy: coaching and advising PhDs, guiding their trajectory, and developing policy to improve PhD support. I love this job because I get so much energy from making a real connection and working together on awareness and self-realization.

In my spare time you can find me in relaxing yoga poses, singing in the shower (or anywhere else), and jumping out of an airplane in Australia (read: love traveling and adventure).

Marjanne Meinsma - Course Coordinator

My name is Marjanne Meinsma. For all questions about organization, planning and administration of the PhD course program I’m here to inform you. I love solving the puzzle of scheduling all our courses and making course participants happy when they can follow a relevant and useful course. For organizational and financial reasons I sometimes have to be strict, but I’m doing my best to help you following the courses if and when you like.

In my spare time I’m interested in watching sports (with a preference for athletics) and meeting people by, for instance, being a host mom for international students.

Alexander Meulenbelt -

Doctorate Affairs Amsterdam UMC/UvA and VU

My name is Alexander Meulenbelt. I take care of the adminstrative process of the PhD trajectories.

Besides my work I study Methods and Techniques of Research at the Open University in Amsterdam. My hobbies are cooking, walking in nature and spending time with friends and family.