Reimbursement of the costs for printing the thesis

Doctorate graduates have a right to claim a modest contribution to the costs for printing their thesis. The reimbursement for Amsterdam UMC / UvA PhD graduates is 500 euro net. This reimbursement can be claimed by all PhD graduates. How to apply is explained below.

The compensation for PhD graduates is charged on the unit that employs the PhD candidate or, when the PhD candidate is employed outside the Amsterdam UMC, the department/division of the PhD supervisor. The PhD graduate is entitled to this reimbursement; it is not a favour at the mercy of the supervisor. All divisions have been informed by a letter, communicating this decision by the Amsterdam UMC (formerly AMC) Executive Board

Note that you should send the declaration form no later than 6 months after end of employment and/or no later than 3 months after the defence

Amsterdam UMC employees/UvA PhD candidates

To claim the reimbursement if you are employed directly by the Amsterdam UMC, use the employee expenses claim form (Declaratieformulier, NL only). Find the form on (the Amsterdam UMC intranet homepageand choose) 'Mijn HR' / Declareren / Raadplegen/indienen declaraties'

AMR BV employees/UvA PhD candidates

To claim the reimbursement if you are employed by the AMR BV you can use this form

External Amsterdam UMC/UvA PhD candidates

If you are not (or no longer) employed by Amsterdam UMC (and you do not have access to 'Mijn HR'), please use this declaration form (K2) (only in Dutch), and send it in via the head of department, where your research was embedded. By signing the form, he or she confirms that you are entitled to declare this amount and sends it to HR through 'Mijn HR'

Only if you are not able to open this K2 link, please use this form:

Your supervisor or head of department can find an explanation here: HR - Declareren van onkosten - Service Portaal (

Do you have a foreign bank account? Payments then go via a different route. Send your request to your (former) head of department. He or she needs to fill in the declaration form, and submit it via 'Mijn HR'. The form must be provided with the 'kostenplaats' number of the department

Do you have a bank account in a country outside the European Union? Please send your declaration form to The form must be provided with the signature of the budget holder and general ledger account and the department's 'kostenplaats' number

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