To do:
Important: when choosing the preliminary date, bear in mind that your manuscript must fulfill all the requirements under the Amsterdam UMC-UvA regulations at least 16 weeks before this date
- Together with the Doctorate Board's official Doctorate Committee appointment decision, (by email) you will receive a link to the online calendar and an explanation about how to reserve a date
- PLEASE DO NOT MAKE A RESERVATION EARLIER; THIS IS NOT ALLOWED (check the Doctorate Regulations, art. 32.1)
- NOTE: In case you do make a reservation before you get the decision of the Doctorate Committee, the date will be removed and the option will be reopened to everyone. Also check the UvA website on this subject
- Select a number of possible dates. Do not reserve a date yet
- Consult your Doctorate Committee about their availability on these dates
- Select one suitable date
- Reserve the date in the online calendar. It is not possible to reserve multiple dates
- During the reservation process you will be asked for your SIS-ID. You can find this 7 or 8-digit number at the top of the Doctorate Committee appointment decision
- In order for the Office of the Beadle to generate a title page for your thesis, you will also be asked to provide your thesis title (and subtitle)
- The Office of the Beadle will send you an email confirming the provisional date of the defence ceremony, with a copy to the Office of Doctorate Affairs (with the academic title page attached)
- The reservation will become definitive after the Doctorate Committee admits you to the thesis defence and your title page package has been approved by the Faculty dean and received by the Office of the Beadle (see Title Package)
Important: Please check the content of your title page generated by the Office of the Beadle and contact in case corrections need to be made. You must include this page without making any amendments in your thesis
Necessary documents:
Doctorate Committee appointment decision
This step can be completed alongside or after submitting your manuscript. You must finish your thesis 16 weeks before the defence date. After this, no more changes to the manuscript content are allowed
- The schedule and instructions for submitting your doctoral thesis differ substantially from the UvA step-by-step instructions - use the PhD Planner tool to set up a timeline and calculate deadlines
- Note: A maximum of 90 guests are allowed in the Agnietenkapel during PhD defence ceremonies, a maximum of 450 guests in the Aula (reception area maximum 100). These numbers do not include the candidate and paranymphs/attendants, supervisors, doctoral committee. The maximum cannot be exceeded