To do:

After all (co-)supervisors have approved the manuscript, including the courses and activities, in Hora Finita, and the PhD candidate's training programme has been approved by the Education Committee of the Research Institute, the next step is to assess the manuscript

Thereto, a Doctorate Committee needs to be composed to assess the manuscript

Necessary documents:

  • The required composition of the Doctorate Committee is described in the VU University Doctorate Regulations, article 13. Check the article for full description and conditions.
  • The document below gives a summary of the required composition


Use the Fill-in Schedule ('Hulp Invulschema'; in Dutch; see below); this will help you to compose the Doctorate Committee in the right way

Also check the information for PhD Candidates in step 5 (Committee of assessment) in PhD graduation

  • The (co-)supervisors are not allowed to be members of the Doctorate Committee
  • The Doctorate Committee will be chaired by a full professor who is affiliated with VU Amsterdam, or another staff member of VU Amsterdam, who has ius promovendi, or a professor occupying an endowed chair at VU Amsterdam
  • After the dean approves the committee, an invitation to assess the manuscript will be sent to the members directly from Hora Finita

Note: The workaround has been changed since the VU Doctorate Regulations 2021 have come into force and will be supported in Hora Finita as soon as possible. Until then this workaround applies:

  1. Important: the dean first has to approve of the supervisor’s proposal for the composition of the Doctorate Committee, before the supervisor has verified that the members are willing and available to be part of the committee
  2. The supervisor emails the reasoned proposal for the composition of the Doctorate Committee to the VUmc Office of Doctorate Affairs (Bureau Promotiezaken), for approval by the dean (note: do not send an email to the dean directly!)
  3. The colleague of the VUmc Office of Doctorate Affairs (promotiezaken) checks if the proposal for the composition complies with the Doctorate Regulations
  4. The Dean decides upon the composition and emails back to the supervisor with the request to verify if the intended Doctorate Committee members are willing and available to participate and to assess the PhD candidate's manuscript
  5. As soon as all the (approved) members of the Doctorate Committee are willing to participate, the supervisor enters the names and data of the members in Hora Finita in the tab ‘Assessment’ (in Dutch: 'Promotiecommissie (beoordeling)), so that the approval officially is recorded and the Doctorate Committee members then automatically receive the invitation to read and assess the manuscript
  6. The procedure as in Hora Finita is being continued
  7. After final approval of the Doctorate Committee in Hora Finita by the Dean, the members will receive an invitation to assess the manuscript within 30 days in Hora Finita. If applicable, a(n automatically generated) reminder will be sent on day 21

Please refer the PhD candidate to the VU Open Access Policy:
