To do:
How does it work?
First, the supervisor must approve the final and complete manuscript and determine that it meets the requirements set out in the University of Amsterdam Doctorate Regulations 2020 and in the Supplementary Regulations of the Faculty of Medicine
According to the UvA Doctorate Regulations 2020 article 17.5, the dean is responsible for carrying out the screening on plagiarism of the manuscript. At the Faculty of Medicine, the dean has assigned this task to the AMC Medical Library
At the moment the approved manuscript is being sent to the voting members of the doctorate committee for assessment, same time, the manuscript also must be sent to the AMC Medical Library with a copy to the dean, through the Office of Doctorate Affairs
The librarian will perform an electronic scan on plagiarism, and send the outcome to the supervisor(s) and to the dean/Office of Doctorate Affairs within two weeks after receipt of the manuscript. Full details are given in the document ‘Guideline for screening on plagiarism’ (document below)
If discrepancies are found:
- The Dean/Office of Doctorate Affairs requests the supervisor to provide a written explanation
- You will be informed after assessment of the explanation by the dean
- Without the dean's approval it is not possible for the PhD candidate to defend the thesis
Necessary documents:
Guideline for screening on plagiarism (in Dutch; see download below)
Also check the information for PhD Candidates in step 5 (submitting manuscript) in PhD graduation
It is important that the Medical Library for the plagiarism scan and the Doctorate Committee for assessment receive exactly the same version of the manuscript. So preferably send the manuscript in one and the same e-mail to both the AMC Medical Library and the members of the Doctorate Committee. If you do so, then it is clear to the Medical Library that the intention is to subject the manuscript to a plagiarism scan