About us

The mission statement of the department of Clinical chemistry of Amsterdam UMC is to be one of the international leading groups studying the functions of cell-derived vesicles in health and disease and to remain a "state of the art" facility that facilitates platelet studies within Amsterdam UMC.

Goals and ambition Generate a knowledge platform of scientists and clinicians for development of novel assays and equipment to study the relevance of cell-derived vesicles in health and disease. Provide state-of-theart knowlegde and facilities to study platelets in a clinical environment, including their emerging roles in inflammation, angiogenesis, cancer progression and wound healing.

Neurochemistry Laboratory

The Neurochemistry Laboratory of the department of Clinical Chemistry of Amsterdam UMC does research for biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of neurodegenerative diseases. This research aims mainly at Multiple Sclerose and Alzheimer Disease. We intensively collaborate with researchers from the Alzheimer Centrum and MS Centrum Amsterdam .


The Neurochemistry Laboratory has 3 cutting edges:

  • Develop and validate new biomarkers
  • Gain knowledge about the relationship between biomarkers and pathogenesis
  • Development and application of multiparameter methods and ultrasensitive assays

The Neurochemistry Laboratory has extensive skills and experience in multiparameter immunoassays, like Mesoscale Discovery (MSD) en Luminex. Multiparameter assays have the advantage that several analytes can be assayed in a smal sample volume. This saves time and is cost effective and analytes are directly comparable.

Furthermore, MSD assays have a wide measuring range, which is relevant for the assessment of proteins such as inflammatory factors.
We have compared and validated several commercially available assays and for inflammatory markers MSD showed to be the most robust technology.

Order form neurochemistry laboratory tests

English order form for analyses of neurobiomarkers (including for Alzheimer and NfL):

    Information on NfL values for medical doctors (Dutch and English):

    For more information about research, visit amsterdamumc.org/research

    For more information about research output registration, visit researchinformation.amsterdamumc.org


    At the Neurochemistry Laboratory there are several possibilities for you to do your internship. For a general description of the projects you could be working on see the information below.

    Interested and motivated students (Universiteit, HBO en MBO) can send their motivation, their CV and their list of grades and accomplishments to Dr. S.D. Mulder


      For more information about education, visit amsterdamumc.org/education

      Patient Care

      There is a strong need for tools to diagnose different forms of dementias. Biomarkers are molecules in blood or cerebrospinal fluid, the fluid immersing the brain, that help the diagnosis of dementia.

      The aim of the PRODIA project is to develop novel biomarkers for the different dementias.

      You will learn in the video with what approach PRODIA will accomplish these aims. We hope that the video is interesting for patients with dementia and their caregivers. Moreover, the video is also interesting for people who every donated or plan to donate blood or cerebrospinal fluid for research. This is because we hope to be able to show how important these donations are for research to improve the diagnosis of dementia. And of course how grateful we are for this!

      This video cannot be watched through our website because your consent for tracking cookies is mandatory. Accept all cookies or watch the video on Vimeo. Read our privacy statement.

      For more information about patient care, visit amsterdamumc.nl


      For information about our researchers, visit amsterdamumc.org/en/research/researchers


      We are always on the lookout for talented and passionate people to join our growing team. You will have the opportunity to develop any aspects you are interested in.

      See all our vacancies (in Dutch): werkenbij.amsterdamumc.org


      Organic Synthesis Laboratory

      Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc

      Neurochemistry Laboratory

      The main workspace of the Neurochemistry Laboratory is at Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc, at the 1th floor in the bridge across the road, directly behind Reception P.

      You can contact us during office hours at telephone 42660

      You can walk in at the department administration of Clinical Chemistry (PK 1 BR 011) in the middle of the corridor in the bridge across the road. There they will show you the way.