Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc has distinctive scientific ambitions. An important goal is to do excellent scientific research to contribute to the improvement of healthcare. Proper measurement and analysis of patient data is crucial.

About us

People who are well-versed in Methodology are able to gauge the value of research.

Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc has distinctive scientific ambitions. An important goal is to do excellent scientific research to contribute to the improvement of healthcare. Proper measurement and analysis of patient data is crucial. The Department of Epidemiology and Data Science has the epidemiological, health and biostatistic expertise to train (future) physicians and researchers within Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc and help them solve methodological problems.

Employees of the Epidemiology and Data Science department cooperate with researchers from all Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc's research institutes. The interaction is emphatically sought to lift location VUmc's research to a higher level.

The department is also very active in education. The department coordinates a number of courses in the bachelor program of Medicine, including the courses MWO 1 and MWO 2), participates in a number of master's programs, and organizes a one-year epidemiology master's program (EpidM).

- Prof. dr. J. Berkhof, head of department

About E&B Xpert

E&B Xpert is part of the department of epidemiology and biostatistics in Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc. We provide methodological, biostatistical and clinimetric support, expertise to biomedical and clinical researchers. Our support ranges from short consultations via e-mail, telephone or in person to long term participation in medical and biomedical research projects.


For more information about research, visit

For more information about research output registration, visit


Coordinator: Prof. J. Twisk

During their medical training, it is vital that students get a good grounding in science, and that they learn to think scientifically. A physician who has mastered methodology is capable of assessing the true value of a study. Was it well designed and executed? Was the study relevant, is the evidence solidly-based? How can we apply the study within our own practice?

A broad-based education

We have a great deal of expertise at our disposal, and we are keen to share this with students and scholars both inside and outside VUmc. The Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics plays an important part in the educational process. That works both ways. We teach people how to conduct top-quality research, and the interaction with students keeps us sharp.

Bachelor's, Master's, and advanced postgraduate degree programmes

We organize a large part of the research training within the 'Academic Develoment' of the medical curriculum, which introduces students to the principles of scientific research. In addition, we participate in a number of Master's programmes where methodology and biostatistical data analysis play an important part. We also organize the postgraduate Epidemiology programme within EpidM, as well as continuing education and in-service training modules for professionals who want a more in-depth knowledge of epidemiology 

Patient Care

For more information about patient care, visit


For information about our researchers, visit


We are always on the lookout for talented and passionate people to join our growing team. You will have the opportunity to develop any aspects you are interested in.

See all our vacancies (in Dutch):


If you have any questions or comments on how E&B Xpert works or how we are dealing with your request, please contact us.