In this session dr. Rob Wolthuis will speak about CRISPR-Based Genome Engineering, Functional Genomics, and Compound-Genome Interaction Mapping in Human Cell Models. Dr. Rob Wolthuis is co-manager of the Amsterdam UMC CRISPR Expertise Center. In addition, he is associate professor and head of Oncogenetics at the Human Genetics department and Cancer Center Amsterdam. The session is concluded with a poll in order to explore the CFG user needs regarding CRISPR-Based Research as a CFG service at the Amsterdam UMC
Date: Tuesday the 22th of March 2022 Time: 16:00-17:00 Where:
16:00 - 16:45 CRISPR-Based Genome Engineering, Functional Genomics, and Compound-Genome Interaction Mapping in Human Cell Models Dr. Rob Wolthuis, Co-Manager Amsterdam UMC CRISPR Expertise Center
16:45 - 16:55 Inventory of CRISPR-Based Research- and Translational Facility Services at Amsterdam UMC