Target audience ACS PhD candidates
Language English


ACS PhD afternoon: Audience-focused Presenting with impact
Would you like to present your work to a large audience like a pro? Then sign up for the ACS PhD afternoon!

Karin Herrebout, from Moile Moile, will help you discover how to capture the attention of your audience by being truly audience-focused. You will learn about (online) stage presence, body language and voice. And you can acquaint yourself with a new structure for your content that will lead to more impact.

You can regard the workshop as a rehearsal space in which you can practice and play with the material. The trainer will give stage directions that will enhance your delivery instantly. 

Lunch is included.

Date and Location

Time From 12:30 to 17:00
Start date Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Location Costerzaal, location AMC

Costs and registration

No costs for PhD students affiliated with ACS.

Please register via this form
