Target audience Immunometabolism aficionados


The ImmunoMetNet series is an initiative of and is organized by researchers from Amsterdam UMC. After a couple of successful annual meetings and many online seminars, the time is now for a local ImmunoMetNet AMS series where “young” Amsterdam UMC researchers from distinct disciplines and research institutes get the chance to present immunometabolism-related work. As such, ImmunoMetNet AMS will create a new network between at least AGEM, CCA, ACS, AII and Neuroscience.

Please join us on January 30th, 2023, from 16:00 to 18:00, as we continue to share expertise, tools and samples across Amsterdam UMC, with immunometabolism as the unifying factor.


For this Amsterdam UMC ImmunoMetNet meeting, no talks have been confirmed yet. This means that you could also be part of the program! If you're willing to present your ongoing work related to immunometabolism, let the organizing committee know via

What can you expect for the entire series?

  • Low-key interactive meetings with immunometabolism-focused presentations by “young” Amsterdam UMC researchers from distinct disciplines across at least 5 Amsterdam UMC research institutes.
  • A meeting every 2-3 months either at location AMC or location VUmc, aiming for the last Tuesday/Wednesday of the month from 4 till 6 pm.

Date and Location

Time From 16:00 to 18:00
Start date Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Location Costerzaal (AMC)
Followed by drinks and snacks to fuel ImmunoMet-Networking.

Costs and registration

Attending this event is free. Registration is not possible yet, but add this event to your calendar to make sure you are able to attend!


Contact the ImmunoMetNet organization:

Take a look at the ImmunoMetNet website for more information: ImmunoMetNet or follow them on Twitter: