Theme Inclusive Digital Healthcare
Language Dutch


Within Citrienfonds, healthcare organizations join forces to develop, evaluate, and implement innovations into clinical practice. One of the programs in Citrien 3 is ‘Inclusive Digital Healthcare’, or in Dutch: ‘Digitaal Mee in de Zorg’. Representing Amsterdam UMC in the steering committee are Mirjam Fransen (Associate Professor in the Department of Public and Occupational Health) and Marloes Derksen (Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Informatics, eHealth Living & Learning Lab Amsterdam).

In this 4-year program, projects are conducted with a focus on the accessibility of digital healthcare. Existing digital healthcare applications will be redesigned to tailor specific target groups: people with a lower socioeconomic status; people with intellectual disabilities; the elderly (aged 75+); and people with a migration background. These digital applications are used within healthcare institutions, but also, for example, in the social domain.

Mirjam and Marloes aim to identify which applications within and outside Amsterdam UMC might be suitable for consideration. During an online meeting (meeting link) on Tuesday October 29th 2024 from 16-17h, more information will be provided about the program and criteria for digital applications. After the meeting, an online form will be made available where project ideas can be submitted.

Date and Location

Time From 16:00 to 17:00
Start date Tuesday, October 29, 2024