Theme Pediatric surgery
Target audience PhD candidates and all other interested scientists
Language English


On Thursday, February 15, 2024, prof. dr. Joep Derikx will give a lecture during the first Inspirational Speaker Session on Pediatric Research of 2024.

Joep is one of the founders of the EKZ Abdominal Center and has a broad clinical and scientific interest, ranging from fractures, seams to anorectal disorders. Joep is a cutter through and through, but also has a razor-sharp vision and talent for translational research where the interests of the patient always take center stage. His ideas have been rewarded with VENI, VIDI, and various European and ZonMw awards.

Do not miss this opportunity to learn from an EKZ visionary, inspirer and mentor. During this interactive meeting, his experiences and practical advice about science will be discussed. And of course his higher goal to one day become Prince Carnival…

The EKZ Science Committee organizes this session for EKZ researchers, young and older, and all interested parties in Amsterdam UMC are welcome!
We look forward to a large turnout on February 15, 2024! If you are unable to attend the Gilat theater, you can join online (see below).

Date and Location

Time From 9:00 to 10:00
Start date Thursday, February 15, 2024
Location Gilat theater (G8-143)
Microsoft Teams link to the lecture. Meeting-id: 390 878 651 161, password code: ZwRiN2.

Costs and registration

No registration required.


EKZ Wetenschapscommissie:

  • Prof. dr. Clara van Karnebeek, chair
  • dr. Tim de Meij, vice chair
  • dr. Jenneke van Atteveld
  • dr. Job Calis​
  • dr. Arthur Edridge​
  • Prof. dr. Joep Derikx​
  • dr. Marc Engelen​
  • dr. Lotte Haverman
  • dr. Vivi Heine
  • dr. Marsh Konigs​
  • Prof dr. Elena Levchenko​
  • Jolanda Maaskant, MSc
  • dr. Wes Onland​
  • Prof. dr. Frans Plötz​