
End of April Australian researchers Tari Forrester-Bowling and Miranda Blake will visit Amsterdam UMC. They will present on their current research projects for which we kindly like to invite you.

Tari Forrester-Bowling will present on Adapting group model building for mental health context and Miranda Blake will present on Research partnerships in healthy food retail. Both presentations will be 25 minutes, with additional time allowing for discussion and networking. More information about Tari and Miranda can be found below.

Information about Tari Forrester-Bowling
Tari Forrester-Bowling is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition (GLOBE) in the Institute for Health Transformation at Deakin University. Tari has a diverse background spanning environmental science, integrated water resource management, water and sanitation hygiene (WASH), and public health with a current and future research focus on applying community-based system dynamics to complex public health problems. Her current projects include healthy food environments, co-design for acute care mental health services, and training stakeholders in the use of qualitative system dynamics methods.

Information about Miranda Blake
Miranda Blake is an Alfred Deakin Senior Research Fellow in the Global Centre for Preventive Health and Nutrition (GLOBE), a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention within the Deakin University Institute for Health Transformation. Her research focuses on the implementation of healthy food retail initiatives and policies, with a particular interest in evaluating and leveraging diverse stakeholder perspectives to support initiatives. Miranda's research approach uses novel and mixed methods and embeds knowledge translation by engaging with partners in all stages of research.

Date and Location

Time From 15:00 to 16:30
Start date Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Location Vrije Universiteit, Nieuwe Universiteitsgebouw (De Boelelaan 1111) • Room: NU-6A25

Costs and registration

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