Target audience APH researchers


Joreintje Mackenbach and Jillian O’Mara have been awarded this year’s APH-HBCD voucher for the project “Getting the World Out – exploring and addressing the needs of HBCD researchers in terms of dissemination skills”.

The project aims to help facilitate the better application of dissemination practices by HBCD researchers. The research will start shortly with a survey to explore the current dissemination practices, tools used in dissemination and the needs of HBCD researchers with regard to dissemination. Four case studies will be identified which will be used to test dissemination approaches and describe barriers and facilitators during the process. Join us for an inspiring session about how to disseminate your research!

The program will consist of:

  • Sharing our results on dissemination practices within APH
  • Lessons learnt in successful dissemination strategies
  • Interactive discussions around improving dissemination support within APH

Date and Location

Time From 12:00 to 15:00
Start date Thursday, December 7, 2023
Location Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc

Costs and registration


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