
Focus of research

3D Innovation Lab.

In 2014 we founded the 3D Innovation Lab. In this lab clinicians, scientist, engineers and designers perform research on 3D software technology, 3D hardware technology, material sciences, imaging and 3d printing using a multidisciplinary approach. There is an intensive cooperation with technical Universities and industrial partners. Currently 15 research projects and 5 PhD programs are ongoing in the 3D Innovation Lab. In 2015 the lab received the RapidPro Award 2015 for the most innovative platform in 3D printing.


Cell Lab.

In 2015 we founded the Cell Technologies Lab. The primary aim of the lab is to stimulate and to perform multidisciplinary research on the use of stem cell-  and nanotechnology in regenerative medicine/oncology, focusing on the craniofacial area.  In the lab, University of Teheran (Iran) and the Hasanuddin University (Indonesia) collaborate intensively. There are currently 3 common PhD programs with Iran, and 5 common programs with Indonesia. Moreover, we have 3 collaborative PhD programs with the UMC of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (Germany).


Global Society for Skeletal Regeneration (GSSR).

In 2018 we started the GSSR. GSSR is created to stimulate the translation of scientific based knowledge of cell technologies to the clinic. We are a non-profit society, acting as an international multi-disciplinary network of researchers and specialists, to promote evidence-based cell therapy and regenerative therapies for bone and cartilage diseases. For the mission and vision of the society please visit: www.global-SSR.com