To do:

  1. Find the PhD plan (training and supervision plan) you need to fill in. The primary research institute you are registered with, determines which template you use (see below)
  2. Discuss and complete your PhD Plan with your PhD supervisor(s) and get the document signed by all parties
  3. Note: the personal learning goals are not part of the agreement between the PhD candidate and supervisor(s) and are to be filled in by the PhD candidate alone
  4. Submit the signed document to
  5. You will then receive an email of the Doctoral School registration system with an invitation to schedule an individual meeting with the PhD advisor
  6. Amsterdam/VU PhD candidates also submit the signed Training plan in Hora Finita, as part of the registration
  7. You need to do so, because Amsterdam/VU PhD candidates should get approval of the Training plan (addendum of the PhD plan) by the research institute. Please turn to the applicable key user of the research institute
  8. Note: If you are a UvA PhD Candidate with primary research institute CCA/OOA, please send your PhD Plan to the research institute. Find the applicable emailaddress in the Trainng plan, via the link below

    Below you will find a lot of important notes. Please read them carefully!

    Necessary documents:

    The primary research intitute you are registered with, determines which template you use. Both Amsterdam UMC/UvA and Amsterdam UMC/VU PhD candidates use the PhD Plan (formerly known as Training&Supervision Plan) templates of the research institute. You can find it via the links below:

    1. Amsterdam Cardiovascular Sciences
    2. Amsterdam Gastroenterology and Endocrinology
    3. Amsterdam Institute for Immunology & Infectious diseases
    4. Amsterdam Movement Sciences
    5. Amsterdam Neuroscience
    6. Amsterdam Public Health
    7. Amsterdam Reproduction and Development
    8. Cancer Center Amsterdam/OOA

    Note 1: In case you are employed at Instituut voor onderwijs en opleiden (IOO; Institute for Education and Training), find the IOO PhD Plan here:

    Note 2: In case you will do your PhD at the Institute for Education and Training (IOO), before filling in the Doctoral School PhD plan and the Doctoral School central registration form, please first contact the IOO contact person

    Note 3: In case you are employed at Sanquin, NKI/AvL or another institution that has an own procedure, before filling in the Doctoral School PhD plan and the Doctoral School central registration form, please first contact the CCA contact person

    Note 4: After approval of the Training Plan by the research institute, Amsterdam UMC/VU PhD Candidates need to upload the new-signed version in Hora Finita. You can choose to upload the total PhD Plan document, or just the addendum part with the intended trainings, courses and activities to be done. Discuss this with your supervisor and the key-user. Only after you have been admitted to the PhD trajectory, you have access to the dashboard in Hora Finita and it is possible to fill in (the components of) your portfolio and upload certificates/proofs of attendance

    Note 5: If you do research in Epidemiology, Experimental Pathobiology, Immunology, Medical Physiology, Medical Microbiology, Parasitology, Nutritional Sciences, it might be interesting for you to know that the Foundation for Biomedical Scientific Research Training (“SMBWO”) is an organization that certifies postdoctoral research training of biomedical scientific investigators in the Netherlands. Please check the SMBWO website for more information

    Note 6: After you have completed all parts of the training plan, due to the VU Doctorate Regulations, which state that PhD candidates need to obtain 30 ECTS-points, the portfolio must be approved by the research institute

    Note 7: Is your research embedded in CCA-OOA? Then this is mandatory regardless if you are a UvA or a VU PhD candidate. Send your portfolio for assessment to CCA/OOA

    Note 8: Do not forget to add your portfolio to your final thesis (check the supplementary regulations)


    Not sure how to deal with the PhD learning goals? You might want to use the PhD Competence Model

    Note: Use the PhD Competence model outside of the Central Digital Workplace (CDW)
