About Amsterdam UMC
Sanquin Landsteiner Lecture by Camilla Forsberg
Lecture & speech Colorful aging? An aging-specific platelet differentiation path from hematopoietic stem cells
PhD Defense Dimitrios Karkalousos
PhD Graduation PhD Defense Dimitrios Karkalousos, Deep multitask learning for accelerating Magnetic Resonance Imaging
AMS pitching workshop
Course & workshop Join the pitching workshop to increase your chances at winning one of the coveted 'AMS best poster' awards.
Grand Rounds in Digestive Diseases: Rinse Weersma
Lecture & speech In this edition, Prof. Dr. Rinse Weersma, (Amsterdam UMC) will talk about his research.
IXA Learning Path Valorisation and Impact
Course & workshop Have you ever thought about the impact your research or idea could have outside academia? IXA offers a new learning path on valorisation and impact. The aim? To inspire you and make you aware of the power of creating value and impact through your research, and how you can actually achieve that impact.
Inaugural lecture of dr. W. Scheper
Inaugural Lecture Inaugural lecture of dr. W. Scheper. Balance and Resilience: Lessons from Brain Cells
PhD Graduation Nadia Baalbaki
PhD Graduation Towards precision medicine for long COVID: perspectives on pharmacotherapy and molecular mechanisms
Translational Immunology meeting - Dr. Abigail Overacre
Lecture & speech The department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology kindly invites you to the Translational Immunology meeting. The TRIM meeting is an Amsterdam UMC-wide platform where both pre-clinical and clinical immunological research is presented to facilitate discussions and stimulate collaborations between institutes.
Research meeting with the Board of Directors: The future of animal experiments and animal free science at Amsterdam UMC
Biomedical science is transitioning, with a shift from animal research to animal-free innovations driven by technology, ethics, and the demand for human-relevant models. At Amsterdam UMC, transparency is key in shaping policies—making open discussion essential.
PhD Graduation Ruben de Ruiter
PhD Graduation Disease activity in Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. The role of Activin A and the [18F]NaF PET/CT scan as a biomarker