Theme Metabolism
Target audience Researchers
Language English


Each year, the AGEM research institute organizes a seminar series focused on metabolism: the Tager Lectures. These lectures are named after Professor Joseph Tager, who made important contributions to Fabry, Pompe and Gaucher disease and had a major impact on our understanding of peroxisomal diseases. He was chairman of the Biochemistry Department at the University of Amsterdam (1980-1991).

On Tuesday July 2, the Tager seminar series will continue with a new lecture by Prof. dr. Michela Deleidi, who works at Institut Imagine in Paris, in the research lab Mechanisms and Therapy of Genetic Brain Diseases.

Prof. dr. Michela Deleidi


Investigating Genetic Brain Diseases using Brain Organoids

Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived organoids have recently emerged as platforms that more closely mimic the complexity and heterogeneity of tissues. Tissue-specific organoids have been successfully used to model human development and a variety of human diseases. In addition, there are ongoing efforts to improve the complexity of organoid models by incorporating disease-relevant cells.

In this talk, Michela will summarize recent efforts from her laboratory and the research community aimed at implementing brain organoid models coupled with single-cell technologies to study the relationship between rare human brain disorders and common age-related neurodegenerative diseases. In particular, Michela will focus on their recent work on the genetic and functional link between mitochondrial diseases, cell type-specific metabolic changes, and neurodegenerative dementia.

Special attention will be given to discussing the current advantages and limitations of organoid-based modeling of human neurodegenerative diseases. The development of highly controlled human in vitro models will facilitate the analysis of tissue- and cell-specific pathways involved in brain diseases.

Date and Location

Time From 11:45 to 12:45
Start date Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Location Fonteynzaal, location AMC, Amsterdam UMC
Lunch is included!

Costs and registration

Free of charge and registration not needed.
