Target audience Anyone interested
Language Dutch


The next edition of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon will take place on Sunday, October 20. All three distances - 8 km, half and full marathon - are sold out, but you can still run the distance of your choice through Cancer Center Amsterdam!

This year again, Cancer Center Amsterdam is the official beneficiary of the KWF Run against Cancer campaign. This means that you can use your athletic performance for a good cause: raising money for cancer research. The funds raised will benefit the Ren voor de Regio project. Through this project, Cancer Center Amsterdam and Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, collaborate with IKNL and all hospitals within our oncology network OncoNoVo+ to provide patients with cancer throughout the OncoNoVo+ region with equal access to innovative study-based treatments and to accelerate groundbreaking cancer research from our institutes. 

Would you like to run one of the three distances (8 km, half and full marathon) and contribute to better cancer research in our region? Join our “OncoNoVo+ runs for the region” team by creating an action page on the KWF website, raise at least €100 in sponsorship money and get a free ticket for the TCS Amsterdam Marathon! Don’t hesitate and sign up! 

Date and Location

Start date Sunday, October 20, 2024
Location Amsterdam

Costs and registration