A better future for cancer patients

Cancer Center Amsterdam is an oncology center that aims to create groundbreaking new possibilities for patients with cancer. We pioneer new ideas, insights and options. Inspired -and often aided- by today’s patients, we want to increase possibilities for future patients. We develop, research and share insights on how to prevent, detect, cure and live with cancer.

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  • 1.7 million euros for research into improved treatment for patients with cancer
    1.7 million euros for research into improved treatment for patients with cancer KWF awards 12.4 million euros to 17 projects that are very diverse, but do have a common denominator: all studies aim at improving quality of life for patients with cancer. Amsterdam UMC Cancer Center Amsterdam receives 3 awards totaling 1.7 million euros for improved treatments for patients with cancer. The projects focus on patients with metastatic ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer and Kahler's disease.

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You are a researcher appointed at Amsterdam UMC
You are involved in cancer research
You can join us as a clinician, researcher, data manager, research technician, research nurse etc.
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We are always on the lookout for talented and passionate people to join our growing team. You will have the opportunity to develop any aspects you are interested in.

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Amsterdam UMC is hiring