Target audience APH researchers
Language Dutch


In this symposium we share our experiences and reflect on the role of stories of experience in (care)education. The symposium consists of the premiere of our documentary, a workshop round, an education round table and the 'meet the parents' game!

In the past two years, 2700 students have interacted with a parent of a child complex needs and/or intellectual disabilities. This is the result of the project Caring Together, Learning Together’, in which 30 trained parents now play a role as Parent Educator in 10 different educational modules. They help students learn about complex care networks and the patient journey and draw attention to careers in the field of children with special needs. In this symposium, we reflect on the role of experiential knowledge and patient participation in education for future (health) care professionals. The symposium exists of a documentary about unheard voices, a round of workshops, a presentation by all teachers involved, and a ‘meet the parents’ game.

This symposium is made possible by funding from the Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek and the Quality of Care program, Amsterdam Public Health, Amsterdam UMC.

For more information and registration see: 30 mei 2024: Symposium Samen zorgen, samen leren - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (

Date and Location

Time From 13:30 to 17:00
Start date Thursday, May 30, 2024
Location VU, NU gebouw 4th floor, theater 7

Costs and registration

Participation is free. Click here for more information and a registration link. Everyone is welcome, register soon!
