As a result of the analyses performed by the CWTS, the network figures below are created, visualizing the connections between individual researchers within Amsterdam Neuroscience, and with partners outside of our institute. Connections are based on research output, and therefore indicate the fruitfulness of internal and external collaborations.
Team science within the institute and beyond
The analyses show that Amsterdam Neuroscience researchers publish most of their work in collaboration – team science as we like to call it – both with national and international partners. Yet, being a network organization, it is not surprising to see that researchers within the institute frequently join forces as well. Visualized in the network figures below are two distinct analyses: one of the collaborations of all Amsterdam Neuroscience researchers and the second, more specifically, of the collaborations between all Principal Investigators from the nine different research programs within our institute, see figure 1 for the nine research programs of Amsterdam Neuroscience.
Collaborations between Amsterdam Neuroscience researchers
Figure 2 visualizes collaborations of researchers within Amsterdam Neuroscience and with co-authors outside of our institute. In these networks, the sphere size is a measure of the number of publications and the lines between the spheres reflect co-author relationships. The colors reflect groups of authors who often publish together and are a proxy for research groups. Notice that the sphere size and number of lines indicate very fruitful collaborations between authors, within the institute and beyond.
* Due to a reorganization of the research programs in 2019, two different maps were created, one corresponding to publications from 2016-2018, and a second one corresponding to 2019-2021.
Co-authorship of Principal Investigators
In addition we also analyzed the co-authorships of Principal Investigators from the nine different research programs of Amsterdam Neuroscience, see figure 2. Just like figure 1, the sphere size is a measure of the number of publications and the lines between the spheres reflect co-author relationships. The network plot in figure 2 shows that 97,5% of all Principal Investigators of Amsterdam Neuroscience have substantial co-authorships and that there are many co-authors affiliated with different research programs of the institute. The color coding is based on the classification by research program.
* Due to a reorganization of the research programs in 2019, two different maps were created, one corresponding to publications from 2016-2018, and a second one corresponding to 2019-2021.
Interact with the co-authorship figures
In the interactive versions of these network plots, it is possible to select and highlight individual authors to see how they connect with others. Please feel free to explore the interactive network plots on the VOSViewer website:
Collaborations of all Amsterdam Neuroscience Researchers 2016-2018.
Collaborations of all Amsterdam Neuroscience Researchers 2019-2021.
Co-authorships of Principal Investigators of Amsterdam Neuroscience 2016-2018.
Co-authorships of Principal Investigators of Amsterdam Neuroscience 2019-2021.
Interested in the CWTS analyses? Contact the Amsterdam Neuroscience office or explore the Amsterdam Neuroscience research programs.