• 'There is a lot of hunger for knowledge among policymakers'
    'There is a lot of hunger for knowledge among policymakers' Hoogleraar Vroege ontwikkeling en gezondheid Tessa Roseboom houdt zich al jaren bezig met de vraag hoe mensen gevormd worden door de omgeving waarin ze opgroeien, onder andere met het Hongerwinteronderzoek. De kennis die zij en haar collega-wetenschappers verzamelen, draagt ze actief uit. Dit kan beleidsmakers aan inzichten helpen om het leven van burgers, nu en in de toekomst, te verbeteren.
  • Amsterdam UMC leads global research to stop Crohn's disease
    Amsterdam UMC leads global research to stop Crohn's disease Crohn's disease is advancing rapidly in the Western world. The international consortium INTERCEPT, led by Amsterdam UMC, will investigate how this disease can be detected and stopped at an early stage. "If this succeeds, the health benefits for society will be enormous," says Geert D'Haens, professor of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and head of the department of gastroenterology and liver disease at Amsterdam UMC. To carry out this investigation, the consortium will receive a European grant of 37.5 million euros.
  • Burning away liver metastases in patients with colorectal cancer offers faster recovery and fewer complications
    Burning away liver metastases in patients with colorectal cancer offers faster recovery and fewer complications Heating (thermal ablation) of small metastases in the liver in patients with colon cancer results in fewer complications and allows the patient to return home faster, all while providing a similar chance of survival as surgically removing the tumours. These are the headline results of the COLLISION trail, carried out by Amsterdam UMC and the Dutch Colorectal Cancer Group, published today in The Lancet Oncology.

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