About Amsterdam UMC
Peer-to-peer group coaching
Other Peer to peer group coaching (in Dutch, intervisie) is experience driven. The content of the meetings is determined by the participating PhD candidates themselves and therefore has relevance for daily practice and needs of PhD candidates.
Module 2: Valorisation and Impact – Turning Research into Real-World Change
Course & workshop Impact through research: focusing on your own practice
PhD Graduation Zar Popal
PhD Graduation Enhanced trauma care for the severely injured: A helicopter view of early diagnostics and interventions
Sanquin guest lecture by Tom Parks
Lecture & speech Rheumatic fever: an auto-immune disease with complement at the heart?
PhD Defense Anne van Nifterick
PhD Graduation PhD Defense Anne van Nifterick, Translating neuronal network hyperexcitability in Alzheimer's disease.
Special seminar in honor of Anton Berns’ 80th birthday
Other On January 3rd, Anton Berns celebrated his 80th birthday. To honor his remarkable contributions to the NKI as a distinguished scientist, former Scientific Director and Chair of the Board of Directors, we invite you to a special seminar.
PhD Defense Iza Scherpbier
PhD Graduation PhD Defense Iza Scherpbier, Innovate and Enhance for Impact|Towards a tailored parenting intervention using working elements and virtual reality
Webinar ‘Funding opportunities within the European Innovation Council (EIC)’
Other Research Grant Support organize, together with the Dutch National Contact points (RVO) a webinar on 10 January 2025 from 10:00 – 11:00 hours to introduce funding opportunities for Amsterdam UMC researchers within the EIC.
PhD Graduation Brent Appelman
PhD Graduation COVID-19: Prevention, disease and sequelae
Young AGEM event: "Alternative Careers"
Lecture & speech On January 14th from 17:30-20.30, Young AGEM will be organizing their second event: "Alternative Careers"!