We provide quotations of the cost and planning of laboratory and bioinformatics services which can be included in project proposals.

Based on these initial discussions a project agreement is written, including cost, time. Furthermore, due to our combined expertise and many collaborations we can provide advice in many different fields and connect different groups. 

Below you can find links to our documents. Not all links in the documents work for external clients, in that case email us at cfg@amsterdamumc.nl.

Procedure for Registering Users and Samples at the Core Facility Genomics

CFG users with an AmsterdamUMC account register via cfglims.amsterdamumc.nl. CFG LIMS The procedure is in CFG-LIMS, handleiding voor aanvrager.

CFG users without an AmsterdamUMC account register via the CFG registration form. Registration form

Cost facilities

The costs can be found in K2. There are cost examples for experiments given at the end of the price list (see prijsvoorbeelden; voorbeeld 1, voorbeeld 2.....).

External clients can contact us by email cfg@amsterdamumc.nl. 

Offered techniques and services
All protocols


The CFG would highly appreciate being mentioned in the acknowledgements of any publications based on the services provided. This information will help us detail the importance of the CFG and help secure our continued existence and funding. If the input of a staff member of the CFG significantly contributes to the scientific aspects of a project, superseding the normal service level, authorship on the paper should be considered. If you let us know, by email, that a paper has been accepted for publication this will help us in indexing these papers.

Example text for acknowledging the Amsterdam UMC Core Facility Genomics:

We acknowledge the resources and support from the Core Facility Genomics of the Amsterdam UMC for the performance of the _[sequencing/scSEQ/etc]_.

External clients, please contact us for more information: 

Learn more about our approach