Cutting-edge technology with a flexible mindset

We offer advice on technical feasibility, experimental design and data analysis to optimize cost and outcome. We facilitate the use of cutting-edge technology.

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Together with


  • Consultancy
    Consultancy Prior to start of any new project users are invited for an intake with our multidisciplinary team of experts.
  • Bio-informatics
    Bio-informatics Quality control, storage, processing of your data, and downstream analysis tools for variant / mutation calling, copy number analysis, expression analysis.
  • Digitial Droplet PCR
    Digitial Droplet PCR Digital Droplet PCR (ddPCR), a novel method for the absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules.

(Optional) News

  • Symptom monitoring improves quality of life in lung cancer patients
    Symptom monitoring improves quality of life in lung cancer patients Reseachers of Amsterdam UMC - Cancer Center Amsterdam have published a study into whether lung cancer patients can self-monitor their symptoms and what effect this has on their quality of life. The SYMPRO-Long study found that monitoring the symptoms led to a strong improvement in quality of life up to 1 year after starting treatment.

Amsterdam UMC is hiring

We are always on the lookout for talented and passionate people to join our growing team. You will have the opportunity to develop any aspects you are interested in.

See all our vacancies (in Dutch):

Amsterdam UMC is hiring