In 2010, CHDR and Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc decided to join forces in the areas of PET research and early phase drug research in patients with neurological disorders. Recently, a clinical research unit was established on the neurology ward of Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc.

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Techniques that were developed by CHDR for early phase drug research in healthy volunteers, will be used to assess pharmacological response to treatment in patients with for example Alzheimer's disease or multiple sclerosis. The two bed unit has a separate research room with a NeuroCart. In the VUmc MR imaging, neurophysiology (EEG, EMG, MEG), certified diagnostic laboratories and a GMP approved pharmacy are available.


The department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine of Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc together with the BV Cyclotron VU, provides the means to fully develop radiopharmaceuticals for PET and SPECT in both animal and human studies. Expertise ranges from radionuclide production, through new tracer development and preclinical evaluation, to clinical use of new and existing tracers with highly qualified specialists who operate in a multidisciplinary environment. The complete process is performed according to state-of-the-art GMP/GLP/GCP standards. In addition, the departmental radiopharmaceutical research, development and production site is inspected on a regular basis by the Dutch Health Care Inspectorate and is licensed to manufacture tracers for human use according to the latest EU guidelines.

PET studies require close collaboration of highly qualified specialists from different areas, including radiochemistry, physics, nuclear medicine and clinical pharmacology. The centre for human drug research (CHDR)  is a clinical pharmacology research center in Leiden and is responsible for all CRO services provided in the PET and SPECT studies. In this way, sophisticated PET studies are run smoothly and safely. Studies can be even more informative if PET scans are are peformed within early phase drug studies that involve highly intensive  pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic sampling.

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