The department of Ethiek, Recht en Humaniora (ER&H) of Amsterdam UMC wants to contribute to the development of reflexive professionals, and an inclusive and caring health care system and society.

About us

The department of Ethiek, Recht en Humaniora conduct research into normative issues, into science and health policy, and social and technological developments in relation to welfare and care. We develop and teach in ethics, philosophy, law, participation and diversity. We provide ethics support at an international, national and internal level to support healthcare professionals, patients / clients and their environment, researchers and policymakers. 


The department has divided its research into eight research lines:

  • Palliative care and End of life

  • Diversity, disability and vulnerability

  • Coercion in healthcare

  • Scientific integrity and scientific ethics

  • Ethics support

  • Technology and innovation

  • Personalized Medicine

  • Participation

From these lines of research, the department participates in five of the eight research programs of the Amsterdam Public Health research institute:

  • Aging and Later Life

  • Social Health and Participation

  • Personalized Medicine

  • Quality of Care

  • Methodology

For more information about research, visit

For more information about research output registration, visit


All sections of the department contribute to the Bachelor's and Master's programs in Medicine of both faculties. In addition, all sections contribute to postgraduate education in Medicine, Discipline Transcending Education for residents, in-service education and training. Educational contributions are also made to Health Sciences, Medical Informatics, Amsterdam University College, the Amstel Academy, the master Philosophy, Bioethics and Health, PhD education and the Palliative Care management program. 

Education coordinator: dr. Yolande Voskes (location VUmc), dr. Marianne Snijdewind (location AMC)

For more information about education, visit


The department has a wide range of special functions in addition to education and research. We see these functions as part of our third core task "service provision". In the department's vision, the three core tasks are and will always be linked and integrated. We distinguish the following types of services:

  1. Ethics support
  2. Legal services and advice
  3. Research ethics and research integrity
  4. Research design and methods of service provision (incl. Participation and diversity)

Within the framework of ethics support, the department has a coordinating role in Amsterdam UMC Ethics Support, among other things.

The legal services focus on legal advice on health law matters to the medical management, in collaboration with the lawyers of the Board of Directors. This service is financed separately by the Board of Directors with 0.4 FTE.

Within the framework of the research ethics and research integrity services, the department provides, among other things, a permanent and a replacement member for the METCs and BTCs at both locations.

The department also participates in the Center for Client Experiences (CvC) and through the School for Participation we offer training and education in the field of participation and participatory research, as well as training in the field of diversity for teachers and researchers.


For information about our researchers, visit


We are always on the lookout for talented and passionate people to join our growing team. You will have the opportunity to develop any aspects you are interested in.

See all our vacancies (in Dutch):

