The department of Medical Oncology of Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc is a dynamic organization with an outstanding international reputation.

About us

The Department of Medical Oncology was founded in 1979 by prof. dr H.M. Pinedo. At that time this speciality was still in his infancy, but the department grew rapidly to an international renowned department, in particular famous for its translational cancer research. Translational research means that there is a strong and continuous interaction between the research and the researchers in the laboratory and the clinic in a two-way direction: research from bed-to-bench and from bench-to-bedside.

The mission of the department is to increase the life expectancy of patients with cancer with special attention to their quality of life. This is accomplished by the development of new treatments and new diagnostic procedures. In order to accomplish this mission a team of professionals from nurses to researchers and from data-managers to oncologists each contribute with their specific expertise. The unique feature of the department is indeed the strong interaction –on a daily basis- between the physicians who treat the patients and the laboratory scientists. In addition, the contribution of a medical psychologist and a palliative physician is of utmost importance for the optimal treatment and care of our patients. 


The Department of Medical Oncology has an extensive clinical and preclinical scientific research program.

The patient-bound research takes place in the  phase I/II unit: a patient room at the oncology ward. There is a close bed-to- bench interaction this clinical research and the Research Laboratory Medical Oncology (LabMO).

The Reseach Laboratory consists of five research groups each which its own specific expertise:

  • Angiogenesis Laboratory
  • Immunotherapy Laboratory
  • Oncogenomics Laboratory
  • OncoProteomics Laboratory
  • Pharmacology Laboratory

For more information about research, visit
For more information about research output registration, visit


For more information about education, visit

Patient Care

A dedicated team of professionals offer optimal treatment and support to patients with cancer with empathy for the patients and their relatives.The patients are treated with anticancer medication, which may have a curativeor palliative intention. In addition to state-of-the-art and innovative medical treatment for cancer, translational research is a hallmark of our department.

For more information about patient care, visit


Clinical staff

  • Hanneke W.M. van Laarhoven
    MD, PhD, professor medical oncology and head of the department
  • J. ButerMD, PhD, medical oncologist
  • A.J.M. van den EertweghMD, PhD, medical oncologist
  • I.R.H.M. KoningsMD, PhD, medical oncologist
  • M.H.M. van der LindenPhD, klinisch psycholoog
  • M.E. van LindeMD, medisch oncoloog
  • C.W. Menke - Van der Houven van OordtMD, PhD, medical oncologist
  • J.J. van der VlietMD, PhD, medical oncologist
  • M. van der VorstMD, medical oncologist (palliative care)
  • J. VoortmanMD, PhD, medical oncologist
  • A. van ZweedenMD, medical oncologist

Nursing staff

  • Josine ter Veen, 
    head oncology ward and outpatient clinic 
  • Rita Ruijter, leader phase I/II research team 
  • Corry Mietus, leider dagbehandelingsunit (DBU)
  • Bea Verdegaal & Josine ter Veen, leaders day care facilty and oncology ward 
  • José Stolker, leader outpatient clinic 

Laboratory Medical Oncology (LabMO) staff

  • G.J. (Frits) Peters, PhD, 
    professor of Pharmacology of  cytostatics, head of the LAbMO and leader of the Pharmacology Laboratory
  • Arjan W. Griffioen, PhD, professor of Tumor Angiogenesis, leader Angiogenesis Laboratory
  • Victor W. van Beusechem, PhD, leader Oncogenomics Laboratory
  • Henk J. Broxterman, PhD, Angiogenesis Laboratory
  • Tanja D. de Gruijl, PhD, leader Immunotherapy Laboratory
  • Connie R. Jiménez, PhD, leader Oncoproteomics Laboratory   

For information about our researchers, visit


We are always on the lookout for talented and passionate people to join our growing team. You will have the opportunity to develop any aspects you are interested in.

See all our vacancies (in Dutch):