Patient flow Improvement Center Amsterdam (PICA) is a centre of excellence in the field of patient flow improvement. In this centre scientific research, education and improvement projects come together.

About us

Patient flow Improvement Center Amsterdam wants to make a significant contribution to the efficiency increase health care institutions have to realize. We do this via excellent scientific research, good education and training and by performing innovative projects. Our ambition is to be a top institute on patientflow improvement research with a strong focus on its applications.

By establishing a center of excellence, in which both Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc and the VU Faculty of Sciences participate, a powerfull and effective connection is created between the scientific research at university and the day-to-day hospital practice.

Via this liaison we can rapidly test and validate scientific results in practice. If results are convincing they are applied directly. 

We believe that the triangle: doctor, hospital manager and scientist is crucial to realise improvements. We are convinced that via a more quantitative approach of health care processes an increase in both operational efficiency and quality can be achieved.


For more information about research, visit

For more information about research output registration, visit


For more information about education, visit

Patient Care

For more information about patient care, visit


For information about our researchers, visit


We are always on the lookout for talented and passionate people to join our growing team. You will have the opportunity to develop any aspects you are interested in.

See all our vacancies (in Dutch):