The Department of Physiology at Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc studies (patho)mechanisms of the cardiovascular system.

About us

Our research projects focus on diastolic heart failure, inherited (cardio)myopathies, strategies to improve tissue reperfusion and prevent vascular dysfunction in various clinical pathologies (sepsis, diabetes). The majority of our research projects is performed in collaboration with investigators from other (clinical) departments, in close collaboration with the Institute for Cardiovascular Research ICaR-VU.

Within Amsterdam UMC, locatio VUmc our main education tasks involve the VUmc-compas, the Cardiovascular Research Master and Master Oncology (VUmc School of Medical Sciences). At the VU (Vrije Universiteit)-campus we coordinate several cardiovascular and medical physiology courses for the Faculty of Sciences (FEW) and the Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences (FALW). In addition, our department provides (patho)physiology courses for students of the Amsterdam University College (AUC).


The Department of Physiology participates in the organisation of the Master programme in Cardiovascular Research. This unique programme offers bachelor students in biomedical sciences or related programmes an opportunity to specialise in translational research in the cardiovascular field. 

The programme is a selective master programme: a selection procedure is part of the admission. More information about this MSc in Cardiovascular Research can be found here
For more information about research, visit

For more information about research output registration, visit


For more information about education, visit

Patient Care

For more information about patient care, visit


For information about our researchers, visit


We are always on the lookout for talented and passionate people to join our growing team. You will have the opportunity to develop any aspects you are interested in.

See all our vacancies (in Dutch):


The Department of Physiology is located in the Medical Faculty at the VU campus.

The secretary is located at: 
Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc
Department Physiology
O/2 building, 11 W 53
De Boelelaan 1118
1081 HV Amsterdam

Telephone number: (020)44 48110
Email address:

Head of Department is Prof Dr Joland

For internships at the Department of Physiology, please contact Dr Pieter Koolwijk (