The scope of research at the department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of Amsterdam UMC is to improve existing and develop new imaging techniques and methods and image guided intervention.


This encompasses the technical development as well as the evaluation of accuracy, reproducibility, efficiency, implementation, and patient acceptance of new techniques and methods.

With current and new imaging techniques and methods, large data sets are acquired necessitating the development of image processing techniques for optimized and efficient data evaluation.

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    Patient Care

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    Principal investigators

    At this moment there are eight major research lines led by a principal investigator.

    • Advanced MR Physics: Prof. A.J. Nederveen, PhD
    • Artificial intelligence in imaging / cardiovascular: Prof. I. IĆĄgum
    • Artificial intelligence for cardiovascular image analysis: Henk Marquering
    • Gastrointestinal: Prof. J. Stoker, MD, PhD
    • MRI in rheumatoid and metabolic diseases: Prof. M. Maas, MD
    • Neurovascular: Prof. C.B.L.M. Majoie, MD, PhD
    • Neuropsychotropic: Prof. L. Reneman, MD, PhD
    • Nuclear Medicine: Prof. J. Booij, MD, PhD

    Other research

    Further research is concentrated on:

    • Cardiovascular: R.N. Planken, MD, PhD

    • Cardiovascular: Prof. J.A. Reekers, MD, PhD

    • Validation of imaging techniques in children: Prof. R.R. van Rijn, MD, PhD

    • Image analysis from 3D and 4D medical images: G.J. Streekstra, PhD

    • Gastrointestinal imaging: evidence based radiology: Shandra Bipat, PhD

    For information about our researchers, visit


    We are always on the lookout for talented and passionate people to join our growing team. You will have the opportunity to develop any aspects you are interested in.

    See all our vacancies (in Dutch):