Theme Entrepreneurship
Target audience PhD candidates and junior & post doc researchers affiliated to the Amsterdam UMC
Language English


Are you a junior researcher, PhD candidate or postdoc researcher from the Amsterdam University Medical Centers (UMC) and are you curious about entrepreneurship?

Join our 2-day Explore Entrepreneurship program in May & June. This program aims to enlighten and provide examples of entrepreneurship in the Health & Life Sciences sector, as well as practical guidance for coming up with an idea, developing your business model, and pitching your idea to a jury panel.

Using an interactive approach, the course offers the opportunity to learn from seasoned speakers within the Health & Life Sciences sector to inspire you to become an entrepreneur yourself! This Explore program is initiated by Amsterdam University Medical Centers (UMC), Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA), and executed by ACE Incubator (ACE).

Date and Location

Start date Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Location AMC Medical Center

Costs and registration

Register here.


For more information click here.