Theme AI


Over 100 people have registered already for our AI & Health Conference 2023 on Friday June 2nd. You can still join - just register before this Thursday at noon (12:00).

For the programme and to sign up, please see here. Participation is free and includes all talks, food, drinks and of course the opportunity to connect with many colleagues from theAI & Health community.

We're looking forward to your participation.

See you there!

Louk Smalbil (organiser), Yvonne Blokland (organiser), Mark Hoogendoorn (VU Campus Center for AI & Health), Paul Elbers (Amsterdam Medical Data Science).

Date and Location

Time From 09:30 to 17:30
Start date Friday, June 2, 2023
Amstelzaal Amsterdam UMC, location VUmc.

Costs and registration

For the programme and to sign up, please see here.

This event is free of charge.