Theme Implementation Science
Target audience everyone who is interested. If the course is full, we will prioritize APH members
Language Emglish


Amsterdam Center for Implementation Science is proud to present you its 5th education module.

Sustained implementation and scale up of evidence-based innovations is challenging in rapidly changing environments such as health care. Initiatives often only make it to adoption or initial implementation. Three specific processes are worth studying when researchers, implementers and stakeholders work together on expanding implementation efforts from local settings to implementation at a large-scale in organisations: the spread, sustainability and scale-up (3S).

In the AmsCIS education module Scaling up & Sustainability we dive into the 3S. We will provide you with the theory behind the 3S, practical insights, and lively discussions.

Date and Location

Time From 10:00 to 12:00
Start date Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Costs and registration

No costs for participation.

If you would like to participate, please sign up through this form.


If you have any questions, remarks or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact us via