Language English/Dutch (depends on participants)


Process evaluations are essential for understanding how impact is (not) achieved in practice andthe relations between implementation, mechanisms, and context in which these impacts are achieved. But how do you design a process evaluation?

What you will learn: During this 2-day interactive course we will guide you through all steps to design your process evaluationand equip you with knowledge, skills and practical tools to:

  • Develop a logic model

  • Design a process evaluation
  • Analyze your process evaluation
  • Report your process evaluation results

All participants that signed up for the course on August 27 and September 3 have been notified of the cancellation. The new registration form will follow soon. For now, please save the 4th and 11th of November in your calendar!

Date and Location

Time From 10.00 to 12.30
Start date Monday, November 4, 2024
Location VU(mc)

Costs and registration

no costs for participation
