Theme AI & Health
Target audience APH researchers
Language English


The APH Methdology research program is organizing an AI in Health event!

Join us for this symposium with renowned speakers and launch of the new APH Methodology tutorials platform! During the symposium there will be interesting talks from Prof. Dr. Marco Spruit, Prof Dr. Niels Peek and Prof. Dr. Mark Hoogendoorn. Learn more about the speakers through these links: Prof. Dr. Marco Spruit - Leiden University , Niels Peek - The University of Manchester , Mark Hoogendoorn - VU Amsterdam.

There will also be a Booster Grant Opportunity for junior researchers affiliated to the APH Methodology program. Have you always wanted to boost your network or professional/personal development? Now is the time! We will have 6 booster grants available, with a value of €2.500,-! Make sure you apply and don’t miss out. Submit your Booster plan, attend the event and you will compete for this grant. At the end of the day, 6 winners will be selected based on random selection. More information on deadline and requirements has been sent via e-mail to all junior / mid-career researchers affiliated to APH Methodology.

Date and Location

Time From 13:30 to 18:00
Start date Monday, October 30, 2023
Location ‘De Nieuwe Liefde’ Amsterdam

Costs and registration
