Theme Clinical Informatics
Language Dutch


We would like to invite you to the second "Broodje MedInfo" websinar. During this webinar from the Clinical Informatics department, assistant professor Iacer Coimbra Alves Cavalcanti Calixto will speak about the possibilities and challenges of Large Language Models (LLM) in healthcare. Interested? Register via the link below. Please note that the presentation will be in Dutch.

Are you interested in or working on a data-driven (research) project in healthcare? And do you want to learn more about best practices for your project? Then Broodje MedInfo is for you!

We present research findings, provide tips for your (future) project, and of course, there is time for questions. In this edition, assistant professor Iacer Coimbra Alves Cavalcanti Calixto will speak about the possibilities and challenges of Large Language Models (LLM) in healthcare.

Large Language Models (LLM) in healthcare

Broodje MedInfo is organized by the Medical Informatics department of Amsterdam UMC. We conduct research and provide education in the field of data, information, and the role of ICT systems in healthcare. With the aim of making healthcare safer, more efficient, and more effective.

Want to know more? Check it out on our website!

Date and Location

Time From 12:00 to 12:30
Start date Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Location Online

Costs and registration

Participation is free of charge, but registration is essential to receive the link to the webinar.

Register here
