Theme Fall prevention
Target audience Researchers, Policy makers, Clinicians


VeiligheidNL together with the Dutch Network Fallclinics (special interest group of the Dutch Association for Clinical Geriatrics; NVKG) and the Amsterdam UMC organize the Dutch Fall prevention symposium in 2023. The aim of this symposium is to present recent findings of fall prevention from both research and the pratical settings. This symposium is for everyone who is interested in falling, syncope and mobility diseases, including researchers, policy makers and clinicians.

Theme: the implementation of fall prevention. What does the chain approach look like? What do you have to organize in practice? How is the right approach used in high-risk groups?

Abstracts for a (poster)presentation can be submitted until September 10th. 

More information on the website.

Date and Location

Time From 10:00 to 16:30
Start date Friday, November 3, 2023
Location Amsterdam

Costs and registration

You can register here.