
On October 12, Cees Hertogh will be stepping down as professor of old age medicine & geriatric ethics at Amsterdam UMC. He will give his farewell lecture: 'Till here I have come', on medical philosophy and care for frail elderly.

The speech will start at 3:45 pm in the auditorium of the Vrije Universiteit.

Prior to this lecture, a symposium will be held: 'Caring for frail elderly: broad, deep and challenging!', on proactive care planning, palliative care, care ethics and infectious diseases.
about the farewell symposium.

Date and Location

Time From 15:45 to 16:30
Start date Thursday, October 12, 2023
Location Aula, VU

Costs and registration

The farewell lecture itself is a public meeting for which no registration is required.
