Language English


How do young people navigate the challenges of an increasingly complex society and what factors account for differences in their engagement and contribution as citizens? How does neurobiological development interact with social and societal experiences, including family dynamics, peer relationships, and socio-economic opportunities? How can we gain insights into and predict the extent to which young individuals develop into engaged citizens who meet both their own and others’ needs? These questions lie at the heart of the conference’s discussions. This conference will bring together experts who explore the interplay between individual neurobiological development and the diverse social and societal opportunities that shape young people’s paths.

The conference serves as the starting point for the 10-year Dutch program “Growing Up Together in Society” (GUTS).

Read more about the conference program and GUTS and on the GUTS website.

Date and Location

Time From 09:00 to 18:00
Start date Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Location Het Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam

Costs and registration


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