Theme Animal-free research
Target audience Everyone with an interest in animal-free education and education about animal-free research.
Language English


Can you help Elza and Jolanda in designing and implementing an excellent educational program for PhD students on animal-free transitions?

Jolanda van der Velden, Chair of Physiology, and Elza van Deel, Educator, both at the Amsterdam Medical Center, are very motivated to support PhD students in preparing for the animal-free transition. They are both looking for an implementation strategy and course design.

Watch their call for help:

Currently, PhD students lack access to such education, resulting in a lack of awareness about their options and a limited network to help them navigate the challenges of implementation. We are reaching out to PhD life science students (biomedical, oncology, immunology, physiology). What type of education on animal-free innovation would you find beneficial? We are also seeking input from experts, policymakers, regulators, and suppliers. What kind of education could you offer? Additionally, we are interested in hearing from individuals with experience in encouraging universities to provide such education.

The outcomes of this 10th Helpathon will contribute to the development of the Global Education Hub! We warmly invite you to participate in this special 10th Helpathon edition on February 29th and March 1st, where we will combine substantive discussions with a festive networking lunch and a celebratory webinar.

Date and Location

Time From 13:15 to 17:30
Start date Thursday, February 29, 2024
Location O|2 Building VU, Amsterdam / Online

Costs and registration

There is NO fee involved associated with any of the participation options. Only an investment in time, knowledge and commitment. After registration, we naturally count on your participation. This Helpathon is sponsored by the Dutch TPI program.

Please register here


For more information: see Helpathon website
If you have any questions contact