Theme Welcome to the wonderful world of immunometab
Target audience “Young” Amsterdam UMC researchers
Language English


Following the successful kick-off for the regular local ImmunoMetNet AUMC symposium by Jan
Van den Bossche - Welcome to the wonderful world of immunometabolism
, we present the next up-coming meeting for December 2022. We hope to see you there for an energizing exchange of ideas!

Every two to three months these low-key interactive meetings with immunometabolism-focused presentations by “young” Amsterdam UMC researchers from distinct disciplines across at least 5 Amsterdam UMC research institutes, are organized. Join us to share expertise, tools and samples across Amsterdam UMC, with immunometabolism as the unifying factor.

Program December 20:

  • Felipe Correa-da-Silva: Microglia impairment: novel basis for hypothalamic dysfunction in Prader-Willi Syndrome (AGEM/Neuro; Chun-Xia Yi lab AMC)
  • Helga Simon-Molas: T-cell fueling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (AII/CCA, Eric Eldering & Arnon Kater lab AMC)
  • Beatriz Marton Freire: Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor Modulates Metabolic Reprogramming In Macrophages (ACS/AII, de Vries lab AMC)
  • Esmée Hoen: Thyroid hormone transporters: What is their role in macrophage polarization (AGEM/ AII, AMC)
  • Drinks and snacks to fuel ImmunoMet-Networking

Date and Location

Time From 16:00 to 18:00
Start date Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Location Auditorium of the VUmc O2 building

Costs and registration

This meeting is free of charge. Please sign up via the registration form.
