Theme Entrepreneurship in science
Target audience Researchers and PhD’s who are exploring the possibilities of entrepreneurship, sharing knowledge and seek collaborations (Public-Private partnerships).
Language English


Are you curious about what entrepreneurship in science exactly entails? In this workshop, participants receive an introduction in entrepreneurship with practical examples. You will get insights in entrepreneurship within the university, which facilities and support the university offers in the route towards entrepreneurship and you will learn which steps will bring you closer to your own company.

Date and Location

Time From 08:55 to 10:30
Start date Thursday, May 25, 2023
Location VU Campus, NU building, De Boelelaan 1111, room 02A25

Costs and registration

Participation is free of charge. Registration is required, so is cancellation if you are not able to attend.


For more information contact IXA via or visit their website.