Theme Grant applications
Target audience Scientists
Language English


The MSCA-PF 2023 call is already open, with a deadline of 13 September. The MSCA-PF scheme provides several opportunities for postdocs for a research fellowship in another country or when still within the mobility rule options to stay at AMC or VUmc. The goal of the MSCA-PF is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers through international and intersectoral mobility.

This is a digital two-part workshop specifically designed for applicants of this year's MSCA postdoctoral fellowship, where MSCA-PF applicants will be provided with information on the MSCA-PF opportunities, tips and tricks on writing a successful application, lessons learned from previous years and options for support in preparing your application. Speakers will include an experienced MSCA-PF reviewer and last year’s laureate(s).

Date and Location

Time From 15:00 to 17:00
Start date Monday, July 3, 2023
Location Online

Costs and registration


If you are interested in more information or want to discuss whether you could apply for a MSCA-PF with Amsterdam UMC as hosting institution, please contact Research Grant Support (RGS)