Target audience (Clinical) researchers


Within Amsterdam UMC, there are several compute facilities available for doing research. These range from CDW/View (OneView in the near future) to various local clusters and the high-end compute facilities of SURF. All of these platforms have different purposes and differ in the degree of compute power, memory size, possibilities to process privacy-sensitive data, and price. RDM (Research Data Management) can offer support on choosing the compute facility that is most suitable for your research. This Support4Research meeting, we present research conducted on myDRE and research performed on one of our in-house clusters, followed by an overview of the available compute facilities, how these can be requested and what support is available.

In this meeting, Martijn Schut (prof. translational AI in laboratory medicine) presents how he uses myDRE for AI research involving multiple UMCs. This presentation is followed by a presentation of Kim Yongsoo (Assistant professor in Oncogenomics, Department of Pathology) at AMC (June, 1st) about the usage of the genetics cluster to analyze NGS data or Henk-Jan Mutsaerts (UD at RNG, division 7) presenting the LUNA cluster for his research on the analysis of perfusion scans of the brain in normal aging and dementia at VUmc (June, 15th). In the last presentation, Oscar van der Meer (Scientific Compute Consultant) will give an overview of the compute facilities and the support on choosing, requesting and using these facilities.

You are invited to one, or both, of these Support4Research meetings on Thursday, June 1st (location AMC lecture room 2) or Thursday, June 15th (location VUmc lecture room de Maas). Registration is not required. There will be drinks afterwards.

    Date and Location

    Time From 16:00 to 17:00
    Start date Thursday, June 1, 2023
    Location Amsterdam UMC, location AMC: lecture room 2

    Costs and registration

    No registration needed.


    If you any have questions, please send an e-mail to