Theme Sarcopenic obesity
Target audience BSc and MSc students
Language Dutch & English


On March 22, the HvA, EFAD and the international partners of the SO-NUTS project will join forces for the symposium "Samen sterk tegen sarcopenie en obesitas: de synergie van voeding en beweging."

On March 22, the HvA, EFAD and the international partners of the SO-NUTS project will join forces for the symposium "Samen sterk tegen sarcopenie en obesitas: de synergie van voeding en beweging" (Strong together against sarcopenia and obesity: the synergy of nutrition and exercise).

This event promises to be a day full of valuable insights and knowledge. The carefully curated program brings together leading experts to delve deeper into sarcopenic obesity, focusing on topics such as nutrition, exercise and digital innovations.


The morning sessions are provided by international experts in the field of sarcopenic obesity, such as prof. dr. Alfonso Cruz-Jentoft and prof. dr. Yves Boirie. The morning sessions will be in English.

The afternoon focuses on the practical application of research, with themes such as creative technology in lifestyle interventions and interprofessional collaboration. The afternoon sessions will be in Dutch.

A highlight of the day is the interactive panel discussion, moderated by both prof. dr. ir. Peter Weijs and dr. Bart Visser. You have the option to submit questions digitally for discussion.

Poster Symposium SO-NUT

Accreditation has been requested for dietitians and physiotherapists

Date and Location

Time From 09:00 to 18:00
Start date Friday, March 22, 2024
Location Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam
The event includes lunch and coffee/tea/soft drinks.

Costs and registration

Attending this event is 55 euros for regular admission and 25 euros for BSc and MSc students. . Registration should be done via the website of the event:


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