Language Dutch


On Friday, June 23, 2023, Prof. Dr. Tineke Abma, director of Leyden Academy, will deliver her inaugural lecture on the occasion of her appointment as endowed professor of Elderly Participation at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC).

Prior to the oration there will be a symposium in the Pieterskerk in Leiden (start 12:30 p.m.), with the theme The art of belonging. Be-longing refers to a fundamental human desire to belong, without having to adapt, just by being who you want to be. Belonging is not a given, especially for the elderly and those who do not fit into a box. Connecting is an art, and art is ideally suited for that. Special assistance will be provided by Jet Bussemaker, Pauline Meurs, Aagje Swinnen, Mayor Henri Lenferink, Marc Vlemmix Dance and the Participation Choir.

Date and Location

Time From 12:30 to 17:00
Start date Friday, June 23, 2023
Location Pieterskerk, Leiden

Costs and registration
