
Join the Pillars of Health webinar ‘Behind the numbers: exploring the missing pieces of health worker mobility data in Europe’ on Tuesday 13 June, 12:00 – 13:00 CET.The international mobility of health workers in Europe can improve career opportunities and working conditions, and present solutions to staff shortages in ‘receiving’ countries. However, it can also lead to staff shortages and threaten access to health care in ‘sending’ countries. To tackle this challenge, it is vital to understand mobility dynamics through data collection and monitoring. What is the progress made thus far and what are the missing pieces in this data? Register via the link below and find out!


Key findings of the cross-country analysis report onhealth worker mobility data (from 2010 to 2022), presented by VU Athena Institute’s researcher Marlies Visser

Panel discussion on challenges and gaps in the collection, registration and integration of health worker mobility data in Europe, and visions for the future. With panelists Gaetan Lafortune and Ellen Kuhlmann.

This webinar hosted by the Pillars of Health coalition. This is an alliance of EU-based organisation that seeks to contribute to an unequal geographic distribution of health workers across the European Union, to ensure all European citizens have optimal access to health workers.

Date and Location

Time From 12:00 to 13:00
Start date Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Costs and registration

Register here: Zoom