We have an active PhD committee, with members from Amsterdam UMC (locations AMC and VUmc) and Sanquin.

The committee organizes activities for PhD candidates, such as the annual PhD retreat and PhD Meet & Greets. Furthermore, they represent the PhD candidates in several committees of AII. If you are interested to join the PhD committee, please send an email to aii@amsterdamumc.nl.

2024 PhD student committe

Laura Fernandez Sanquin l.fernandezblanco@amsterdamumc.nl
Anita Lygeroudi MCBI a.lygeroudi@amsterdamumc.nl
Rianne van der BurgtMCBI MCBI t.m.vanderburgt@amsterdamumc.nl
Merve Kocyigit Clinical Immunology m.kocyigit@amsterdamumc.nl
Kate Mudie Medische Psychology k.j.mudie@amsterdamumc.nl
Noah Dekker MCBI n.c.c.t.dekker@amsterdamumc.nl

    Registration AI&I PhD Retreat 2025

    Dear PhD students of AI&I,

    The AI&I PhD committee is happy to invite you to participate in the Amsterdam Institute for Immunology & Infectious diseases (AI&I) 2025 PhD Retreat "Art in Immunity and Infection"! This year's retreat is planned on Thursday, March 27th and Friday, March 28th at Van der Valk Hotel Sassenheim - Leiden.

    For those that haven’t joined this annual event before, the AI&I PhD retreat is a two-day event for all PhD candidates and aims to provide a mixture of interactive social, scientific, career and educational program components. This includes keynotes speakers, posters and workshops besides multiple scientific, artsy and social activities!Participation is financed via the AI&I and is free of charge!

    See here the link to the registration form

    Deadline for final registration is the 27thof January!

    Looking forward to seeing you all in March and kind regards,

    The AI&I PhD Committee

    Laura Fernandez Blanco, Anita Lygeroudi, Rianne van der Burgt, Merve Kocyigit, Kate Mudie and Noah Dekker

    Previous events

    AII PhD Retreat 2023 - Scientific, educational, career & social program. Theme: AII Olympics. Registration for the PhD retreat starts on the 3rd of July and will be on a first-come, first-serve basis.

    Read more about last year's experiences here

    2023 members

    AII PhD Retreat 2022 - a two-day event with a mixture of interactive social, scientific, career, and educational program components incl. hotel-stay. Free of charge for PhD students.